Container attributes

attributes that apply to a struct or enum declaration


Provide a value that all the fields should be set to when expunged. e.g. Default::default() or "<expunged>".to_string()


In this example, all fields will be replaced with the string "<redacted>" when expunged.

use expunge::Expunge;

#[expunge(as = "<redacted>".to_string())]
struct ConnectionInfo {
  username: String,
  password: String,
  host: String,


Shorthand for as = Default::default(). All fields will be expunged using their Default::default() implementations.


use expunge::Expunge;

struct Location(f64, f64);

struct UserData {
  username: String,
  password: String,
  location: Location,


Expunge all fields using this function.

It must return the same type as it takes. e.g. hash a String with sha256::digest.

If you own the type, then could also implement Expunge directly. Using with, however, allows you to use different transformations for different fields of the same type.


In this example, fields will be replaced with their sha256 hashes.

use expunge::Expunge;

#[expunge(with = sha256::digest)]
struct Credential {
  username: String,
  private_key: String,


By default, expunge provides its own Debug implementation. This attribute disables the default implementation, allowing the user to implement or derive their own.


In this example, fields will be replaced with their sha256 hashes.

use expunge::Expunge;

#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Debug), expunge(allow_debug))]
struct Credentials {
    username: String,
    private_key: String,


Integrates with slog, see